Nov 12, 2018
Consensus and conflict, the great companions
Spirituality makes you think beyond the obvious. Read the following two C’s; Consensus and Conflict. Now add the word co-existence to it. You halt, there is something that doesn’t gel, these two can never co exist is the obvious logical conclusion for most.
This is where spirituality enters the picture and alters the paradox.
Imagining what all goes through a mind when it is in a conflict situation?
Anxiety, rage, blurring of senses are the few traits of mind when it’s in a conflicted state. But beyond that, if one looks a little deeper, conflict also opens one to listening to the one person, thought or argument that one is in conflict with.
This is where conflict comes with an opportunity to alter our perspective and thoughts. If you can train the mind to take a pause and listen to the other argument , chances are that it can enrich our original thought process and make our understanding better.
Imagine what all this small pause can do to our lives, personally and professionally. If we can train the mind to pause and listen in any argument, we can have better relationships, forgeing strong bonds that make our lives better.
At work too, we can build consensus, not just within the team, but also serve our customers better-both the scenarios yielding profitable dividends.
Conflict could be a great guiding force. Given the way we perceive things about our own self or our point of view on anything we are undivided in our approach. For most of us, it’s my way or the highway approach.
In any conflict either our thoughts hurt someone or we are hurt by someone’s point of view. Stress in such a scenario is inevitable . One of the two people involved in the conversation has to back out or keep quiet resulting in stress and strain.
Given this tumultuous situation, if as, earlier we can take the required pause to give a patient hearing to the other person and we can learn what our point of view lacks. If that is embedded, we can grow beyond leaps and bounds.
Doing so takes a lot of patience and training of the mind. But it’s not difficult, given the fact a small pause can open us to acknowledging the disagreement and making the person or view we are in conflict with become softer in its approach.
Handling conflict craftely, also teaches us a lot about our own resilience and restraint. Not just that it makes us open minded , unlocking opportunities and avenues that are usually beyond us.
In a nutshell whenever in a confronting conflict , if we can engage and give it a hearing, most often than not we will end up with a winning proposition. So next time you know how to deal with conflict and make it your ally.